Wednesday, October 8, 2008

40 - Nil

Mates - 

Just wanted to update everyone on my weekend.  It was the best of the trip so far....

The footy match on Sunday was an absolute blast!  We boarded the ferry back to Manly, dropped our stuff off, and regrouped as we all assembled in the CYC.  We had to hurry to catch our 2:10 ferry from Manly Wharf.

Once we got back to Circular Quay we headed up George Street to Rebel Sport to buy Manly Sea Eagles jerseys.  They were actually on sale because it was game day and they had a bunch extra in stock.  We headed back towards CQ and hopped on a train that took us to Olympic Park.  It's basically a sports fan's dream, stadium after arena after field of pure sport.  The sight from this picture does not do it justice.  Here's the outside of ANZ Stadium.

Manly whooped Melboure 40-0, or "40 - Nil" as the Aussies say it.  It was such a blast.  I'm so hooked on footy and the Sea Eagles, I'm converted.  

There were 80,000 fans 

Australians LOVE bringing flags to the games. 

The military helicopter that delivered the trophy


The game was on a Sunday, but the following day was an Australian national holiday so no one had work or class.  After the awards ceremony, we hopped back on the train and got back to Manly Wharf.  The bars had HUGE lines, and they closed at midnight on this night for some reason, so I retired to my room and slept very well from an exhausting day.

Oh, I forgot to mention that ALL public transportation was FREE if you showed your game ticket.  This means ferrys, busses, and trains.  We probably used $25 worth of public transportation that day alone.  Australian's just have it all figured out.

Lastly, I applied at two bars tonight because, well, my bank account is drained.  Almost everything here is cash only, and that does not bode well for me.  One bar is called Charlie Bar, and it is inside of Manly Pacific Hotel.  It is newly remodeled and very slick looking.  I think it attracts a slightly older crowd, which is fine by me.  The other one, Insitu, wouldn't take my resume' until I had my RSA, which is a document that allows me to work in a place that serves alcohol.  I'm getting that on Saturday.  The manager at Charlie Bar noticed my e-mail address on my resume' and told me that he used to date a girl who went to UNO, and that he had been to Omaha.  We chatted about that for a little bit, and how small of a world it is.  I like my chances at that bar, and I think I would rather work there anyways.  

Good luck this weekend in the Chicago marathon, Brady.


1 comment:

Phil said...

u should of gone back to Manly Leagues club in brookvale, you would of seen the players and it didnt close until 5am. Manly Sea Eagle 2008 Premiers.