Thursday, August 28, 2008

Two Weeks

G'Day Mates,

So I wasn't going to start this blog until I actually made it to Australia, but since there were some big things happening today, I decided to shed some light on exactly what I will be getting myself into.  I leave exactly two weeks from today.  I can't believe it.  I have been busy down on campus getting all of my paper work ready on this end of things so that UNL knows exactly what I will be doing, when I'm leaving and returning, and other important matters that I needed to take care of.

Today was exciting because I was involved in an online and phone conference with our trip coordination and some of my soon-to-be fellow students.  The online portion was a power-point style presentation that showed up on everyone's screen so that we could all follow along with our coordinator, whom we were all on the phone with.  Pretty cool if you ask me.  In the slides were pictures, further information on the trip, and plenty of answers to questions that most of us had.  I found out that in Australia they call the pharmacy the "chemist."  Also, I found out about my meal plan and housing details, as well as laundry, computer labs, cell phones, and other odds and ends.

Here are some pictures that I thought everyone might like.  I actually ran into a guy from Australia last night and he said the area of Sydney that I will be in (Manly) is a very ritzy place and that I should have a great time.  Cheers to that.

The Moran House.  Where I will be taking class everyday.

The Moran House again with  Manly beach in the foreground

A view out onto Manly beach from the top of Moran House

A classroom inside of the Moran House.  Yes, I have to wear a suit everyday.

The on-campus amenities.